60-90 Min “Framework Your Blog”


Work with me for 60-90 minutes of your time to put together a concrete vision and goal for your dream blog.

Blogging is an incredible outlet for niche communities. They’re one of the best nurture platforms out there, and they’re still as vital today as any other social platform! The best thing about blogging is that these platforms can be used for both outreach, converting, and nurturing an audience.

Blogging for me has opened so many doors — I get to work with bookish brands, build and connect to an insider community, talk about the things I love with no character count, and more.

If you’ve been thinking about starting a blog, now’s your chance!

By the end of this call, you’ll walk away with confidence in your content and launch. You’ll have a clear plan for your growth in both the beginning of your journey and well after. We’ll work to alleviate your concerns and hesitancies in starting this journey.

Blogging is so versatile because everyone has a different life and way of doing things. YOU have a different perspective on how to do things; YOU live a different life; YOU have a different method to the madness. People want to see that variety! This call will help build you a plan that will attract and convert your dream audience.

Anyone can build a thriving community online. If you can solve a problem for your audience or provide amazing value, there’s no limit.

And now you don’t have to do it alone!

1). Access to my FB community for aspiring bloggers
2). One month of access to me 1:1 via Voxer
3). The lowest startup fee for working with me

Let’s build your dream platform because you deserve to feel excited about sharing about your passion. I guarantee that you’re fully capable of building a thriving blog with a frenzy of people behind it, so let’s get you started!

What will be covered?

1). Building your NICHE + MISSION
2). Branding
3). WordPress Domain Options
4). What WordPress Can Do
5). Web Design/Set-Up
6). Post + Content Creation Plan
7). Creating Value Plan
8). Emails + Newsletters
9). OPT-In & WorkFlow Set-Up (Optional)
10). Taking it to Pinterest & SM & Beyond

I can’t wait to meet you and help you start this journey.

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